Your Wellness Partner

Mark Davis

Evolution Nutrition

Features / Services

  • Menu Planning
  • Recipes
  • Add a Recipe
  • eMail Invitation

Nutrition Factors

Features / Services

  • Company Web Portal
  • Company Branded App
  • Coaching P0rtal
  • Connect-a-Coach
  • Client List
  • 7-Day Grid Menu Planner
  • Recipes  ( Personal / Featured / Cummunity )
  • Shopping List
  • Add / Share Recipes
  • Grid Diet ( Balanced )
  • Send Shopping List to Grocery Store Link
  • Dietition Designed Menu Plans
  • Coach’s Grid
  • Grid for Favorite Recipes
  • Fitness App
  • Design Your Own Workout
  • Trackers / Wearables Integration
  • Club Challenges
  • Learning Library
  • Training Videos
  • Newsletters
  • Protein Shakes
  • Blog
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Weight Loss
  • Meal Prep eBook
  • Assessments
  • Progress Tracking
  • Calendar Link
  • eMail Invitation
  • TeleHealth ( as add-on )

Nutrition Factors Fitness App

Increasing Client-Coach Effectiveness

  • Design personal workout programs for client
  • Add workouts to client calendar
  • Modify workouts based on results
  • Target muscle groups and routines ( aerobic / anaerobic )
  • Track all workouts
  • QR scanner for gym equipment
  • Record of calories
  • Integrates with trackers / wearables
  • Increase person converversion
  • Accountability
  • Enhance coach – client connection
  • Coach driven challenges
  • Gamefication
  • View client’s progress even when not at the gym
  • Word-of-mouth marketing
  • Can remove client’s ability to create workout
  • 4000 exercises
  • Club workouts
  • Goals
  • Intensity Levels
  • Join “Communities of Interest”
  • We make the Club look good!



Please see our presentation

Fitness App Research & Design Strategy for achieving Client Sustainability

Nutrition Only Plans

Price Comparison

Evolution Nutrition

Nutrition Factors

Features / Services

  • Menu Planning
  • Recipes
  • Add a Recipe
  • eMail Invitation

No Trainers

  • 200 Clients
  • 825 Meal Plans


5 Trainers

  • 5000 Clients
  • 1100 Meal Plans


10 Trainers

  • 20,000 Clients
  • 1,100 Meal Plans



25 Trainers

  • 100,000 Clients
  • 1,100 Meal Plans


Features / Services

  • Blog
  • Nutrition Factors Library
  • Public Recipe Database
  • Grid Diet “Setup My Grid”
  • Meal Prep
  • Grid Diet
  • Personal Portal
  • Add & Share Recipes
  • Shopping List
  • Menu Plan from Dietition
  • Trainer’s Report Form
  • Trainers add to client’s connected account

No Trainers

  • One Branded Portal
  • Unlimited Members
  • Unlimited Meal Plans
  • Shopping Cart


5 Trainers

  • 5 Trainer Portals
  • One Business Portal
  • Shopping Cart
  • Trainer Designed Menus
  • Unlimited Client
  • Unlimited Meal Plans
  • Step-by-Step Weight Loss Program

$199 ($299 with TeleHealth)


10 Trainers

  • 10 Trainer Portals
  • 1 Business Portal
  • Shopping Cart
  • Trainer Designed Menus
  • Unlimited Clients
  • Unlimited Meal Plans
  • Step-by-Step Weight Loss Program

$399 ($499 with TeleHealth)


25 Trainers

  • 25 Trainer Portals
  • 1 Business Portal
  • Shopping Cart
  • Trainer Designed Menus
  • Unlimited Clients
  • Unlimited Meal Plans
  • Step-by-Step Weight Loss Program

$599 ( $899 with Telehealth )

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